Earn money online

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I spend most of the hours of my day surfing the web. I have been looking for a way to make money online for a long time now without any success.  I have done a lot of things on the web and registered on a lot of sites and also have lost some amount to some of the fraud sites out there.

Making money over the web is not easy. It requires a lot of time and patience.It definitely is not as easy as the catch ad lines that you see when you google for a phrase like "make money online" or "earn money online". 

A couple of years ago, I had registered myself to a number of PTC sites, had clicked on a number of ads had hundreds of affiliate links to some free add posting sites. As I did not see money coming in within a few days, I quit using them. 

Last Week, I came across one such site and tried to join it again. I could not join as it said I was already a member. I reset the password and logged in to the site to find that I actually had around 10 USD in my account as there some sign ups through the referral adds that I posted on free add posting sites. So I quickly started retrieving passwords of all my PTC sites and found that some other accounts also had some earnings in it. I withdrew all the amount to my PayPal account which summed up to $100. 

Some of the genuine PTC sites available are listed below. You can join by clicking on these links and start sharing your affiliate links on the web. Its the referrals that pays you, not the ad-clicking.